Zach's findings

Ashton, Ethan, and Zach were currently in Zach's office in the hospital. 

"Don't you know how to clean up?" Ethan complained, looking at the mess scattered inside Zach's room. 

"I'm a doctor, I'm busy," Zach simply answered. 

Ethan snorted at hearing Zach answer, "and you think we're not busy?" Ethan scowled. 

"Enough. Tell me what's going on?" Ashton asked seriously. 

Zach had come to Phoenix's room looking restless. But before Zach could open his mouth, Ethan came in and told Ashton to come with them for a coffee to catch up.

Knowing Ethan well enough, Ashton knew that was just a cover up to ask him to leave the room.

Ashton was reluctant to leave Phoenix and the twin, but Phoenix persuaded Ashton to join Ethan and Zach. 

Thus, the three men left the VVIP ward and went to Zach's office. 

Inside Zach's office, after Ashton stopped Ethan and Zach's banter, he waited for Zach to answer his question.