Sky wanted to learn martial arts

Phoenix blinked her eyes and looked at Sky with a raised brow. 

Sky was looking at Phoenix with his big eyes. His dark brown orbs were sparkling with hope. He looked like an excited little puppy. 

Phoenix was speechless and didn't know how to respond to Sky. 

Luckily for her, Ronnie spoke up to voice his rejection.

"It's alright. I don't have to stay here. I have my own place, It is just a few blocks from here," Ronnie said.

Intan had arranged a house near Phoenix's house for Ronnie. That's where he had been staying for the last few weeks. Since Phoenix had a routine, Ronnie easily learned them and arranged his movement according to Phoenix's schedule. 

Roxy was keeping a straight face, but she couldn't help but to swoon inside seeing Sky's adorableness. 

She was amused by the situation. It looks like Sky was trying to set up his mommy with Ronnie, although Ashton was there.