The future is still unwritten

Mia couldn't believe what's happening right now, Ken was kissing her.


It was Mia's first kiss, and she had imagined many times how her first kiss would be. 

It would be outside, perhaps in a park, a field of flowers, or on the beach. She'd be wearing a summer dress, and Ken would be wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Around them, the wind blew, making her dress and their hair move in a dreamy way. Their eyes locked onto each other, and Ken would be bewitched by how beautiful Mia was, thus he couldn't stop himself from kissing her.

That's how Mia imagined her first kiss with Ken would look like. 

But, look at their situation now.

They were in the gym with questioning odour. The window was closed, there was no wind blowing. She looked like a ball of mess, with tears streaking on her face, and Ken was in wet gym clothes.