Twenty minutes is enough

Phoenix scoffed when she heard the name of the gym. She shook her head and keyed in the address to her car navigation systems. 

Following the direction told by the voice of the woman from the navigation system, she arrived in front of the building where the gym was located. 

She looked at the signage that displayed the gym name, and her brow furrowed. 

'Am I really seeing this? Or am I just overthinking?' she asked herself. 

Phoenix pulled out her phone and dialled Mia's number, and waited for her call to be picked up. 

At Ken's apartment studio, Ken, Mia and Ashton were sitting at the small dining table, enough for the three of them.

Ken ignored Ashton's discerning eyes on him and focused all his attention on Mia. 

He took out plates and cutleries from the cabinets and put them on the table. 

Ashton looked at the plastic plates and the cutleries that clearly came from takeouts and looked at Ken with furrowed brows.