Surviving till the end

A few weeks passed by in the blink of an eye.

Phoenix's normal routine continued as usual. She would wake up early in the morning to prepare lunch boxes, while Auntie Yang came to prepare breakfast for them. 

At first, they had an additional person who joined them for breakfast. Since Roxy started living with them, she would join them for breakfast.

However, after two weeks of working for Phoenix, Roxy moved out of Phoenix's house and moved into Ronnie's place. Since both of them worked as Phoenix's bodyguards, they become accustomed to each other and become closer. 

Roxy felt like she invaded the family during their meals, thus she discussed with Ronnie and asked him to let her move into the house that Intan had prepared for him. The latter was annoyed at first, but he understood Roxy's predicament, and relented. So they become housemates and coworkers.