He is her home

Phoenix and Ashton came out from the bathroom together sometime later. 

When they walked out of there, the doctor and nurses were already present inside the room. They looked at both of them coming out of the bathroom together with amusement. 

With Phoenix's swollen lips, they don't have to guess what might have happened in the bathroom. 

Covering her blushing face, Phoenix held on to Ashton's side, pretending to support Ashton in walking.

Ashton couldn't care less about what those people thought of him and Phoenix, however, since his girlfriend was a little reserved and embarrassed with the situation, he played along and let Phoenix support him walking to the bed. 

"How are you feeling, Mr Qin?" the doctor asked when Ashton had settled down on the bed. 

The nurse glanced at the doctor weirdly. Obviously, everyone could see that Ashton was… fine. He already showed them he could walk.