Zach is a panda

Phoenix and Ashton went back to the VVIP ward after they had enough of Vitamin D and alone time together. 

Mrs Ting, the servant from Qin mansion, came bringing breakfast that the chef from Qin mansion had prepared for Ashton and Phoenix. 

"Young Master Ashton, Madam Elanor send this for you and Young Madam," Mrs Yang took out the containers of food that she brought with her and arranged it on the table. 

Ashton was pleased when he heard Mrs Ting addressed Phoenix as a young Madam. It sounded so good in his ears. 

The title befitted Phoenix, and Ashton couldn't wait to bestow the title to Phoenix. 

'It was like the universe is telling me to quickly propose to Phoenix,' Ashton smiled to himself. 

Phoenix made a small talk with Mrs Ting, asking about Sky and Sienna. 

Mrs Ting told Phoenix she shouldn't worry about the twins as the residents and servants of Qin mansion adored the twins and would take good care of them.