A brother than can protect

As promised, after Zach left Ashton's hospital room, Phoenix made a call to Ethan. 

"Phoenix?" Ethan picked the call as soon as he saw Phoenix's name displayed on his phone screen. 

"Hello, brother Ethan. Yes. It's me, Phoenix," replied Phoenix.

"What can I help you with, Phoenix? Is everything alright? How's Ashton?" Ethan asked. It was the first time Ethan received a call from Phoenix. He knew Phoenix wouldn't be calling him if there was nothing going on. 

"Brother Ethan, Dr Song came to visit Ashton just now, and he told us he was almost complete with the DNA gene sequencing. When it's done, he needs Aunt Cece and Uncle Ed's DNA samples to compare it with mine," Phoenix told Ethan her purpose for calling him. 

"Zach successfully reversed the DNA alteration?" asked Ethan excitedly. 

"I believe so. He said he had determined all the DNA sequences that had been altered and reversed the process," said Phoenix.