Havoc in the Han's mansion

The revelation about Phoenix brought tears to everyone's eyes. It was not only the Han's family members that were affected by it. Even the helpers in Han's mansion were feeling emotional and had tears in their eyes. 

Butler Kang tried to maintain a straight face, but the tears that had fallen from the corner of his eyes betrayed his unfazed attitude. 

He took his handkerchief out and dabbed the tears from his face.

Straightening up his posture, he walked towards the Hans family. 

"Old Master, Madam," he called for the two people's attention, "should I prepare the room for Young Miss?" he asked, looking at Old Master Han and Cecilia. He then switched his sight to Phoenix, "Young Miss? Would you stay here tonight?" he asked politely. 

Cecilia snapped out of her emotional mess, "right!" She turned to Phoenix, "Phoenix, please stay here. It's already night time," Cecilia held Phoenix's hand and cupped it tenderly.