The real intention for having lunch at the Han's mansion

The Qin's family came to the Han's mansion the next day, bringing a bunch of gifts that had been prepared by Ashton beforehand. 

Cecilia was shocked when she saw all the family members of the Qin's family come to their residence. 

Ashton had told her that Elanor, and Thomas were coming, however, it looks like even Old Master Qin, Old Madam Qin and Mia had come to join them for lunch. 

"What's with all the gifts?" Cecilia asked when they had settled down in the sitting room. 

A mark of confusion was clearly written on her face. Even Edward and Old Master Han sported the puzzlement on their faces. 

"Haven't Phoenix told you yet?" asked Elanor. 

"Tell me what?" replied Cecilia. 

The Qin's looked around, but couldn't spot Phoenix, Ashton and the twin in the Han's mansion. 

"Phoenix, Sky and Sienna are not here?" asked Old Madam Qin.