Breaking the news to Intan

Like what they had discussed before, Ashton, Phoenix and Cecilia flew to Country B. When they arrived at the International airport of Country B, a driver prepared by Intan already waited for them. 

After loading their luggages inside the car, the driver drove towards Intan's mansion. 

Intan was already waiting for them with a bright smile on her face at the entrance of her mansion. 

"Phoenix!" Intan cried out as soon as she saw Phoenix get out of the car after Ashton. 

Intan enveloped Phoenix in a warm hug as soon as Phoenix stood in front of her. 

"Mom," said Phoenix, and her hands wrapped around the older lady. "How are you?" Phoenix asked as soon as Intan released her from the bear-like hug. 

"I'm good, Phoenix. Let me look at you," Intan said, and took a step back to scan Phoenix up and down.