How things ended up if she was alive?

While Ashton and Phoenix talked in the mortuarium garden, Cecilia and Intan talked in front of Melrose's box. 

Cecilia explained about who Melrose really was. 

"So Melrose is Melissa. Ashton's ex-girlfriend…" Intan nodded in understanding. She wondered what Phoenix felt right now. 

Intan was worried for Phoenix. She just started to really live her life. What kind of entangled fate did she have? 

However, since Melissa had passed away, things didn't get complicated. Imagine if Melissa was alive and Ashton met her here when Phoenix wanted to introduce him as her fiance. That would result in someone's heartbreak. Probably. Whose? Intan glad that would never happen. 

"I think everything will be alright," Intan said. "How about her family? Did they still look for her?" asked Intan. Cecilia said Melissa ran away not only leaving Ashton but also her family. And as far as Intan knew, Phoenix had told her that Melissa said she doesn't have a family.