Cleared up all the rumours

Phoenix's introduction as the Young Miss of the Han family cleared the rumours about Phoenix and Ethan. The women who belittled Tiana gritted their teeth when knowing Tiana and Ethan's love was as strong as ever. 

For the young men among the guests, knowing that Phoenix was actually the Young Miss of the Han's, and she and Ethan were actually siblings, they started to form a plan on their head. 

Some of them were interested in associating themselves with the prestigious Han's family through Phoenix, while the others were interested in Phoenix because of her aloof beauty. 

A group of young men who were seated at the same table were scrutinising Phoenix, who was on the stage. 

"She's beautiful. I'm going to try my luck," said one man who always had eyes on beautiful ladies.

"Ha! Dream on! You have a notorious reputation. You won't get her attention," chipped another man.