Where is Intan?

"Mom, how are you doing?" asked Phoenix as soon as she and Ashton arrived at Cecilia's ward. 

"Phoenix," Cecilia brightened up when she saw Phoenix come in. She gestured for Phoenix to come to her. 

Reaching for Phoenix's hand, Cecilia sandwiched Phoenix's hand to convince herself that Phoenix in front of her was real and not just a fragment of her imagination. 

"Now that I see you, I'm feeling much better," answered Cecilia. 

Phoenix tried her best to flash a smile towards Cecilia. However, Cecilia could see that something was weighing on Phoenix's mind. "Is there something wrong, Phoenix?" asked Cecilia.

Pursing her lips, Phoenix was unwilling to talk about what was bothering her. Cecilia was in a hospital, and last night's occurrence was heavy on everyone's mind. She doesn't want to add to their burden. 

"What is it, Phoenix? We are a family. You can tell us," said Edward.