
Phoenix looked at the man that had interrupted her with emotionless eyes. Her face was as aloof as always.

"Pretty lady, why are you here?" asked the man. The man asked, while fixing the rifle on his back in an attempt to scare Phoenix. 

Phoenix just stared at the man, saying nothing. From how the man dressed, this man was probably from the militant group that was currently going against the government of that country. 

"Tsk, such a pretty face, but arrogant attitude," the man said. He scanned Phoenix up and down, looking at Phoenix's clothes. 

Not in the mood to entertain the man, Phoenix ignored him and walked in the opposite direction. 

Seeing that Phoenix was leaving, "are you Phoenix?" asked the man. 

Phoenix's steps halted at hearing the man call her name. She gritted her teeth and her fisted hand clenched tightly.