
Although Phoenix was desperate to get out of there as soon as possible, she didn't want to be inconsiderate towards Ken, who had just arrived to get her. It wasn't a simple journey for Ken, regardless of his capability and body condition. 

Besides that, Phoenix wanted to help stock up some supplies for the people living in the bunker. She could ask them to follow her out of the country, escaping the war that was currently ongoing, however, these people didn't want to leave their motherland regardless of the situation. That was why they stayed in the bunker in the first place. Otherwise, they would have escaped long ago. 

Even if they ran away to another country, would it guarantee a peaceful life for them? Would they be accepted with open arms? Or would life be just as hard as they were right now, or is it worse than their current situation?

Phoenix respected their decision. Thus, it would be only her and Ken who would travel out of the country.