An enchantress

"El? What are you doing here?" Cecilia was surprised when she saw Elanor in front of the house. It was not only Elanor who was there. Thomas, Mia, Old Master Qin, Old Madam Qin and the twins were also there and just came out of the car. 

Just like the Hans, the Qins also just arrived at The Grandeur. 

They all looked at each other in questions, wondering why they all were here at The Grandeur at the same time. "Did Ashton call you here?" asked Elanor. 

Shaking her head, "No. It was Intan. She was in town and said that she had an important thing to talk about," replied Cecilia. 

"Oh really? Ashton called us here, too. He said he had something important to talk about," said Elanor. "This feels weird," added Elanor in worries. 

Their attention was pulled towards another car that drove in. 

Ethan and Tiana came out of the car and joined the others in front of the door. 

"Why everyone here?" asked Ethan.