Poor Mortal Chao

'To surpass my limits and reach the Origin realm, how amazing would that be? Hopefully today, I can finally open up my dantian. I probably could've done it sooner, but this Jade Fire Art is far too profound!'

Despite his complaining thoughts, a gleeful smile crossed a young man's face. The prospect of challenge greatly stirred his fiery fighting spirit.

This boy's name was Chao, a young man with hopes and dreams to break past his human limits and become a cultivator.

To reach such a step started with an unfolded jade scroll in Chao's hands,

Chao briefly closed his eyes. A moment later, the atmosphere around his immediate area instantly changed.

A rich sensation filled his small, run-down living room. Inhaling the air with this rich sensation would cause any average human to feel as if their bodies were getting purified and their pores were opening.

Chao's expression was extremely intent as this rich sensation exuded from the top of his head.

This magical ability was Chao's soul sense. A power that came directly from his soul and allows him to have numerous abilities.

Abilities that include an increase in his thoughts and slightly affecting the surrounding environment.

Unlocking his soul sense meant that Chao was talented in some way. Though his current looks wouldn't suggest that.

Chao appeared to be around 18 years old, with decent looks. His incredibly determined face carried a unique charm distinct from others. It felt as if he could face and shoulder any problems with a confident stride.

Despite his decent looks, the young man's clothes were less than desirable. There were large dirt stains patching them and small little tears appearing all around his clothes.

And not just his clothes, the living room he was in was also in poor condition. Cracks split the floor, dust piling up, and very old pieces of furniture littered around.

A somber atmosphere engulfed the living room. It could make anyone else feel a bit down on their luck or even depressed.

But Chao, who was sitting calmly, was perfectly used to the somberness. The somberness even helped his mood to study.

His eyes stayed close as he slowly opened up the jade scroll. Upon the jade scroll were numerous special symbols that seemed to glow with a faint light.

Chao's soul sense could detect what this faint light was. These symbols all contained an energy essence that wields unfathomable power.

Chao quietly sighed. "Law essence energy. The essence that fuels all life within our universe."

At least, that's what as much Chao could understand from the Jade Scroll.

As his eyes opened to read the symbols, Chao's pupils seemingly glowed with a faint light. But the glow was barely noticeable.

After only a few seconds, Chao couldn't keep the glow within his eyes. It disappeared, and he promptly felt a slight headache.

Rubbing his temples, Chao sighed. "Trying to open my dantian is just too difficult. Laws are basically alien language to mortals."

Chao lamented for a moment and only a moment. Afterward, his face broke out into an eager smile. "And that's what'll make finally achieving the Origin realm all the more satisfying!"

Even with Chao's poor situation, he could still fire himself with hope. He is a poor-class mortal living in the massive city known as Creek City. His disadvantages are numerous compared to even the lower class.

But never had this once bothered Chao. In fact, being in such a dirt low class sometimes gives him the excitement he so desperately craves.

Skirting across the edge of life never made him fearful or sad, but rather eager to overcome his next obstacle.

Although, his excitement wasn't all good for him.

Case in point, as Chao suddenly frowned when turning his gaze towards the living room front door.

His soul sense could only extend out for an extremely short distance. But he was able to detect a very familiar life aura at his house doorstep.

The doorknob twisted open and in came a slightly dirty-looking young girl. Her long black hair had patches of dirt in it, mud spots stained her blue robes and dried tear stain was evident on her face.

Truthfully, if this young girl were to wash up, she would be very cute. But her situation doesn't allow for it.

Chao's frown deepened at this girl's appearance. He practically ordered, "Li'er, come here."

"Big brother..." The young girl, Chen Li obediently went right to Chao's side. Her previously downcast expression tried to change as she forced a smile.

"Don't worry about me, big brother. My friends and I just had a small meeting with some Fang's family youths."

"Fang Family, huh? Those little rats truly are bothersome." Chao spat out.

He didn't hesitate as took out clean a towel from his own pocket and began cleaning his little sister's face and hair.

Chen Li slightly squirmed but didn't reject. She did mutter, "I'm-I'm not a child anymore, big brother."

Chao simply ignored her as his thoughts drifted to that bothersome Fang family.

The Fang Family is one of the top powers in the entire Creek City. They are known to have numerous experts who all have monstrous abilities.

Their abilities come from the fact that they're all cultivators!

For a mere mortal like Chao, he has zero ways to even face the weakest of cultivators in direct combat.

But even so, this barely bothered Chao's fighting spirit.

After making sure Chen Li was leaned, Chao immediately got up and said, "I know you weren't going to mention it, but I know those Fang family stole most of your food as 'repayment' for your life. And just that measly amount isn't enough for us. So, it's time for me to go shopping."

The moment he said shopping, Chao's lips couldn't stop from curling into a smile.

When seeing that smile, Chen Li instantly became worried. She pleaded to her brother with big watery eyes, "Not again Chao! Last time, you really almost die! I'm sure we can just..."

Chao simply caressed Chen Li's head to calm her down. He softly said, "Relax, will you? I've waited for the last group of guys to leave the city permanently so nobody there will recognize me. And for the last few days, I had my eyes on our new target for food. Just stay here and study Jade Fire Art. The day we can become cultivators isn't far off!"

His words and soft tone couldn't quell all the anxiety storming Chen Li's heart.

However, Chao didn't wait for a second longer, grabbing a large coat hoodie to cover his identity and leaving the house. His actions were always swift and decisive.

Chen Li could only sadly sigh and obeyed her brother's instruction. She picked up the same jade scroll Chao was previously studying and began performing her own studies.


Chao stepped out of his small, dingy house and into a beautiful city. It was a complete contrast between his house and the city.

The streets were built wide and spacious, being around thousands of square feet wide, enough to fit hundreds of crowds of people easily.

These streets were paved with beautiful golden stones that gleamed with a hypnotic glow.

The people populating the street were a mix of luxuriously dressed nobles and battle-hardened experts. Nearly everyone had this seemingly unfathomable aura about them.

They didn't have the presence of just an average human going about their days. Rather, they all exuded powerful sensations that seemed otherworldly to any average mortals.

Of course, these nobles, hardened warriors, or the average person were all cultivators!

The energies within their bodies can produce such a natural aura as easy as breathing.

Chao could only look at those cultivators with envy.

The very first realm in anyone's cultivation journey was the Origin realm. In this realm, anyone can harness the power of nature itself and use and absorb Origin Qi.

Just a sliver of Origin Qi can grant anyone with superhuman prowess.

However, reaching the first realm in cultivation requires numerous steps.

For starters, one would need to study the mysteries of the universe, which are the so-called Law essence. If one's studying is successful, their souls will stimulate, allowing them to open up their soul senses.

With a soul sense, the Spiritual Sea would be opened up within anyone's brain.

Chao was currently at this step. Beyond this step would require one to comprehend the Law essence from any cultivation art to absorb a tiny portion of it.

This tiny Law essence portion permanently transforms a Mortal body. It will directly open up the Mortal body dantian and from here can one absorb more Law essence to form their Law Cores.

With a Law Core form, the soul sense would be advanced enough to detect the presence of Origin Qi. Meaning, that one would finally start their cultivation journey, becoming a 1st layer Origin expert!

Chao was still steps away from the dantian transformation step. He still needed more comprehension in order to grasp Law's essence with his soul sense and absorb it into his body.

Shaking his head, Chao focused on his current goal. From where Chao lived, he was at the far end of his neighborhood district.

When looking to his right, it was the otherworldly cultivators. And towards his left was a complete contrast.

The area to his left was dingy, poor, and run down. There were far fewer shops, the streets were more narrow and the aura of people appeared far weaker. There were also more mortals here than on the right side of the neighborhood.

"Creek City is bustling as usual. And the lower class district is just as droll. Well then, let's hurry this up."

Chao took a deep breath to quell any hidden nerves. With his determination fully arouse, swiftly strolled into the lower class district.

Chao kept to himself, being careful to avoid running into any other person. Even in the lower class, there were still people that Chao couldn't afford to casually mess with.

Chao walked for a few minutes until entering a vendor shop area. Here was where the people who couldn't afford to set up their own shop but still have items to sell resided.

The main people behind these vendors were older men and sometimes the occasional older woman.

These people tried their best to put up a welcoming appearance. Although, the state of their clothes left much to be desired.

Chao didn't bother with the older generation. He directly set his sights on one vendor that only had three young men behind it and made a straight bee-line towards them.

When seeing a customer approach, the youths all glowed with glee. The boy in the front politely waved. "Welcome, sir. For just half of a Spirit energy crystal, you can take anything you want here. We have plenty of food within these cosmos sacks."

Chao quietly nodded at the boy while tossing his gaze at their stall. On it was numerous small brown sacks.

Despite the sacks seeming empty, each of them can actually contain an abundance of items. This was because these cosmos sacks were crafted by the abilities of powerful cultivators.

To gain something like this would be no easy feat for lower-class people.

Chao had his gaze pointed to the stall, but he was silently analyzing the three youths.

Compared to the other cultivators Chao passed, these three natural auras were far weaker. The energy fluctuations were certainly present within them. But it wasn't potent to a point where Chao felt like it would be impossible to resist.

His soul sense detected that these three were only weak 1st layer Origin realm cultivators.

Under his hoodie, a devious grin blossomed on Chao's face. Chao quietly walked closer to the stall, grasped one of the cosmos sacks, and began examining it as if he was in deep contemplation.

The young boys believed they were just about to have a sale. But right as one of them was about to speak, Chao suddenly waved his left hand and shot dirt into the boys' faces!

"Ack!" The boys were caught completely off guard. They slightly stumbled back as their eyes watered from the sudden dirt.

Within this brief moment, Chao sprinted off!