The First Steps Of A Conqueror

'I only have one mid-grade Spirit energy crystal left and only around 200 low-grade ones and one less Spirit Nurturing fruit. But all this was worth it for 3rd layer Origin and 6% Asura Ice Law comprehension! As I am now, I have no reason to fear even a Tilted 5th layer expert. Perhaps I can even face the 6th rank!' Chao's fists excitedly gripped together to the point his joints crackled with power.

It took long nights of cultivation and so much of his resources, but in the end, he was able to successfully achieve multiple breakthroughs!

Of course, for his next breakthrough, the requirement will be even higher. But even so, Chao's prowess took a qualitative leap forward.

With his higher attainment levels in both Nature and Source Law path, the thickness, density, and intensity of his dantian energies increased. This all stacked on top of the general greater power of Asura Ice Law essence and his Asura Aura amplified state.

Chao certainly didn't find it unreasonable that he could face a 6th layer expert. This would even put him on the level as those geniuses from the Big Three Sects!

Feeling refreshed for a new day, Chao started to get up. But as he stood, he suddenly detected Chen Li had got close to his door.

Chao instantly knew something was bothering her. After all, Chen Li is still a mortal. By this time, she's usually deep in sleep.

Sure enough, soft knocks from her petite hand ranged from his door.

Chao curiously opened up only to see Chen Li in a cute pajama set, standing nervously. Her eyes darted all around the room, and her expression seemed a bit complicated.

This had provoked Chao's brotherly instincts. He gently caressed Chen Li's soft hair while saying, "Li'er...what is wrong? This is past the time you typically wake up."

"Uhm..." Chen Li's tone was a bit unsure. But as she was going to speak, her eyes spotted Chao's new Ming family badge.

Surprise and awe suddenly filled her face. "Brother...did you gain a promotion? This is amazing! Oh, you should've told me about it. All of my friends would be in so much shock!"

Chao lightly chuckled. "It's not always good to loudly broadcast your achievements without sufficient strength. Besides this only small time. Soon enough, I'll be reaching levels where most in the Ming family would need to respect me."

Pure confidence and even a slight bit of arrogance leaked into Chao's tone.

One couldn't really blame his current attitude. This Asura Conqueror system is fulfilling all of his cultivation needs and providing extra help. His cultivation speed is basically dozens of times greater than even peak-tier sect geniuses.

Chen Li had zero ideas on how the inner working of cultivation goes down. However, even she can tell that Chao is growing increasingly powerful with each passing day.

That determination in his eyes is something she's all too familiar with.

She feasibly should be happy. Yet, her lips simply couldn't stay a smile for too long. Her expression turned downcasted again.

"Chao...with how much you're changing...I will eventually only be a burden to you, right? cultivation just can't make any progress no matter how hard I tried...."

At the corner of her eyes, Chao could see the forming of tears. His little sister is indeed mature for her age, but compared to Chao, she's far lacking in life experiences.

Thus, Chao was very patient. He didn't need much words to simply pull Chen Li into his embrace, giving her a hug full of warmth and comfort.

"Brother..." Chen Li couldn't stop sighing.

All of her previous nerves and tensions melted away. This spot could always calm her down, no matter what. It reminded her that this seriously determined brother of hers would always be there for her.

Chen Li tightly wrapped her small delicate arms around Chao's waist, pulling harder into his embrace.

In this moment, Chao was calmly thinking of a plan. He had wanted to increase Chen Li's cultivation, but he didn't feel all that assured about doing it.

Compared to him, Chen Li's combat prowess would only be average at best. She wouldn't have any system or special bloodline to help her out.

At least for the bloodline part, Chao assumed so.

Instead of the Asura bloodline being innate within him, Chao fathoms that this system must've implanted it within him.

In anycase, Chao knows that Chen Li would need even better protection as a cultivator. He would, of course, do it, but that would only cause his own cultivation to greatly slow down.

For the better of their lives, Chao clearly knows he'll need to sacrifice quality time just so they can keep on living.

But without his protection, who could possibly protect Chen Li?

This thought confounded Chao until just recent events.

With prowess to already slaughtered Tilited Origin beings, Chao knows he can once again raise his status. Furthermore, he can also try to gain maximum loyalty with this prowess and used whoever has loyalty to protect Chen Li in secret.

Chao was trying to come up with a foolproof plan to achieve. But right then, as if it had heard its pleas, the system suddenly notified Chao.

'Special Loyalty mission for the host. Completing it will give the host 100% loyalty to Luo, Dui, and Shi. Invite the trio to patrol the woods with you and kill the 4thlayer ambush awaiting you today. Distribute rewards fairly.'

Chao nearly had to stop himself from erupting in jolly good laughter. It really does seem like some all-power, magical force wants him to succeed!

'With this...Li'er can safely breakthrough and always have good bodyguards with her and her friends. Plus, coupled with my own status, this little girl can finally start living a far better life. Also, this is the perfect start for my conqueror road.'

The threat of the 4th layer was nonexistent to Chao. He had already crushed some other 4th layer when was in the 2nd layer.

At this point, Chao truly believed he could even match a 6th layer expert!

Today's battle truly will be a hallmark. Not only he'll gain the protection, but it'll mark the rise of his Asura Conqueror's path.

From here on out, Chao was determined to continue spreading his reign. For now, he kept his eyes focused on the current goal.

His current SP counts up to around 700 after all those missions. Purchasing a low-grade medical resource for Chen Li would take away a huge chunk of it. But Chao didn't even need to think twice about it.

He slowly separated from Chen Li and gently smiled down at her. "Ok now, you're going to be really happy. Your big brother got something great for you. Treat it as a cultivator gift."

"Ah?! Really!" Chen Li jumped with joy. She could only imagine the tremendous difference between mortal and cultivation gifts.

Chao ruffled the cute little girl's hair and said, "Yes, now turn around and close your eyes. I have to fetch it from my room."

Without any words and a pep of excitement, Chen Li obediently did as she was told while Chao stepped into his room.

Of course, the first thing he did was open his system and click on the shop tab. He quickly searched through the items until settling his gaze on the perfect resource for Chen Li.

'Low-grade Spirit Nourishing Pill. Advances anyone Spiritual Sea, strengthens dantian and cleanses the body to allow it to intake energies far easier. Has a 4x effect if taken by a mortal. 600 SP.'

With a swift click on the pill, a flash of blue glowed upon Chao's palm. The flash cleared away a moment later to reveal a small blue-colored pill.

Sweeping his soul sense through the pill left Chao nearly wide-eyed in genuine awe. Potent sensations coursed through his Spiritual Sea. It was a bit hard to exactly identify just what kind of energy this was.

Nothing Chao comprehended before was quite similar to this. The only familiarity here was the fact that this energy sensation exudes very faint principles similar to Law essence.

If Chao had to guess it, this was most likely that mysterious healing energy that Alchemist uses!

Holding such a precious resource in his hand was almost an enlightening feeling. His Spiritual Sea worked hard at trying to comprehend the mystical principles of healing energy.

Perhaps if he dedicates a lengthy amount of time, Chao could actually make slight progress with healing energy. Or more accurately to say, the Laws to where it comes from.

But Chao put this thought on the back burner. He turned back around and said, "Ok. You can look now."

Chen Li turned around to eagerly gaze upon her gift. When that beautiful blue pill entered her vision, her eyes went wide as her mouth swung open.

Her soul sense was still at the mortal level. But even with just being mortal, she could still clearly detect the powerful healing energy from the pill.

Just being in its vicinity felt refreshing to a mortal like her.