"Mrs. Ishoa, he should be awake soon."

She looks up from her book in the corner.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brita."

An old woman then leaves the room taking a cart of bandages and medicine with her.

"How did you heal so fast?"

She lifts up the blanket looking and studying the scares on his torso.

"How odd, the injures he got from that god are completely healed, they even look like scares that have been there for years."

Ishoa then touches one of the scars.

"If you wanted to touch one all you had to do was ask."

Ishoa then quickly drops the blanket and backs away slightly blushing.

"I was just seeing if you were still injured."

Rualtik then sits up looking at Ishoa.

"Is that what we're calling it now?"

Rualtik then looks at his stomach and chest seeing the new scars, running his fingers over the slight indents in his body.

"I would ask if you've ever been hurt before, but I think I could tell the answer by those other scars across your body."

Rualtik then throws the blanket to the side standing up.

"I've been hurt plenty through my life, all manners of monster, human, and just about any creature you can think, not to mention different races, and here I thought that this old man finally kicked the bucket back there."

He then steps to the side grabbing his sword and belt slowly putting them on, surprised they weren't taken away from him.

"I'm just as surprised that you didn't die either, but I don't see the old man that fought the god, I would say that you're about 26 now."

Handing Rualtik a gold and red jewel encrusted hand mirror, as Rualtik looks at his reflection he runs his fingers across his face looking almost sad.

"My Beard is gone, that was the favorite part of my face."

squinting noticing that his eyes have changed color, one eye red and the other a bright silver almost a white color. 

"Your eyes changed colors your left sclera turned black while your iris and pupil turned two different shades of red, your right didn't seem to change that much but your iris did change to a bright shining white, we looked through as many books as we could to find what they could mean, but we never found anything."

Raultik then puts the mirror down looking puzzled yet somewhat confused at the same time, unsheathing his sword and looking at it noticing that there are no cracks or dents in the sword at all, remembering very vividly that the sword shattered.

"You couldn't find anything on the silver eyes, but how did my sword get fixed I remember it broke on the first punch from that Finagir guy."

He sheathes his sword looking around noticing his armor in the corner.

"Not surprised you didn't notice that little bit, you were laughing like a mad man, thought you had gone crazy, but right before you stabbed into the leg of that god all the pieces seemed to just put itself together forming your sword, also seemed to sharpen it as well, like it was a new blade freshly forged, yet alive at the same time."

Raultik walks over to his armor and whispers a word to the pauldron of the armor, it begins to move like water as it pours on to the ground, as it forms into a wolf sitting waiting to follow its master.

"Where's the pup that I brought in with me?"

"He's just fine, we feed him, gave him some water, and took care of the cut on his eye, he's outside playing with some of the kids and other dogs." 

Rualtik glances over his shoulder looking at her, but Ishoa noticed Rualtik's red eye almost seemed to glow in the torch light sending shivers down her body.

"Why did you actually save me, I'm assuming you want something, you wouldn't go this far if you didn't wanna be on good rapport."

Ishoa turns around grabbing a paper out of a side pocket attached to her belt handing it to Rualtik.

"There was another order of thieves that we worked side by side with for a long time, they belonged to my adopted father, Dorobo, we lost touch with them a few summers ago."

Rualtik turns around walking up to Ishoa grabbing the paper. "What might I get in return for helping you?"

"We'll help you take down the traitors that left you to die." Rualtik looks up from the note and glares at Ishoa, giving the note back. "What proof do you have that they are traitors?"

"Well for one they stabbed you in the back and left you to die in a field of rotting corpses, two my men snagged a note from a guard addressed to Tamar, but it wasn't from your king, it was from the god of the dead and the king of the underworld, Hades." Ishoa hands Rualtik the letter along with a drawing of the Ashenvyre Kingdom. "When we read the letter I sent a scouting party to Ashenvyre to see what was happening, there's all kinds of manner of monster and undead there now." Rualtik crumples the paper and holds it over a torch until it catches fire, dropping it. "The place I called home, reduced to nothing but a hide away for monsters and a scared god, the place where my father laid down his life to protect it's people, where my mother found refuge from the people she was slaved to, where I met and buried my wife, and where both of my children died to sickness and war, reduced to that!" Rualtik clenches his fist as every light in the tent goes out. "Why would you show this to me." Ishoa grabs a candle lighting it, handing Rualtik another paper. "My people have agreed to help you take the kingdom back, provided that you help us with our problem first." Ishoa walks over to the tent exit, opening it. "The people here know who you are and recognize the good you and the black knights have done for the lands, just think it over, the gods know we could both use some help right now." Ishoa then leaves the tent leaving Rualtik alone with his metallic wolf, looking at him with a tilted head. "As much as I want to break down and stay here and not move, I need to do something." Rualtik kneels down petting his wolf. "What do you think Fang?" Fang looks to the tent exit and takes long deep sniff as it's tail starts to wag and he licks his owners hand. "I think you're right, we could use some help, no, we could use some friends." Rualtik stands and walks to the exit of the tent putting the note that Ishoa gave him from the people of the camp in his pocket. "Let's go see what lies in store."