iii. The Wedding Planner [Bonus chapter]

Mary had a sour expression on her face as she scrunched up her nose. The wedding planner is eyeing Dominus like he is some candy on a platter.

She has been sticking close by his side and asking for his opinions on all matters, ignoring her suggestions or making them look bad.

She did not want to make a scene but it is becoming too much for her to bear. When Dominus excused himself to answer an office call, she followed the wedding planner who chose to go to the veranda instead of talking to her.

"Do we have a problem, Trish?" she called the woman's attention, who decided on that day to wear a very revealing dress, her cleavage showing and her legs on display for all to see. Well by all, it means obviously her fiance.

"Problem? None at all, ma'am. I am just helping out," the girl had the tenacity to smile innocently at her after gawking at her fiance earlier.