iii. Milk [Bonus chapter]

He had been long suffering for three weeks now. He sighed exasperatedly as he waited patiently for the time when the nurse will have to enter and take the baby from her. 

He didn't understand the reason why he was kicked out of their room and was not allowed anywhere near the baby. Well, it also meant he was locked out of the blanket, so to speak. 

He could have taken one of the guest rooms but he chose to sleep on the sofa, that way he can earn a bit of her sympathy whenever she would pass by.

She wouldn't even look him in the eye or greet him when she passes. Like he was a ghost, she would ignore him completely. He simply had enough!

Of course, he didn't complain. He understood her sentiments. But this is far too much. Why is he being punished so severely anyway?

Did she really think he would, in whatever dimension, ever choose another when her life is at stake? That's more impossible than the pigs starting to fly.