iii. Lost

She closed the photo album where their picture has been. Her tired eyes wrinkled a bit as she smiled.

It has been quite so many years ago when they took their family picture while grape-picking. It was such a fun memory to have. It was good they had it stored somehow.

Her frail hands now paler than a white sheet was gripped tightly by her husband as her dry lips painted a warm smile on her face.

He never left her, not once. Not when she was diagnosed with brain cancer, stage three. Not when she underwent chemotherapy and lost her strength.

Not even when she lost her hair, replaced by a scarf neatly tied across her head. Dominus pulled her weak hand and planted a soft kiss. 

Dominus has always been there for her, preventing her from giving up so easily. Even when her terrible headaches racked her whole being, the intense pain making it hard for her to even breathe.