iv. The Other Mary

She grunted, good heavens! She closed her laptop as she sighed. 

She is out of ideas on what to write next. This is supposed to be her webnovel's season four, and now she has nothing to write.

She discarded her shorts and changed into her lengthier jogging pajamas, scrunching her nose as she took a ponytail and tied it to her hair.

She didn't bother applying any makeup. Not like anyone will look, she justified. She is almost past her calendar days at twenty-nine years of age. 

She took her wallet that held her loose cnge and checked herself in the mirror for the last time. Just making sure her hair was at least not sticking out funny.

She changed her glasses, she has two sets, apparently. One for inside her apartment, and the other for when she goes out.

Why, you ask? Well, because keeping spares is more logical and allows her to be more functional.