iv. Abduction

"I was waiting for your call," he looked at her, not letting her gaze wander off away from his.

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered again. She suddenly felt guilty though she knew that she shouldn't. He was just a stranger, she has no obligation to explain herself to him.

And yet hearing those words from him, she could not stop herself from apologizing. It is as if her heart can feel the agonizing pain that is reflected in his gaze.

His eyes filled with so much hurt that all she wanted to do is to make it up to him for whatever wrong she may have caused him. She just wanted to take his pain away. 

"Were you planning to call me at all?" his voice was low, but she heard him clearly. Her heart thumped hard against her chest. 

She felt like she was being interrogated as if she was someone caught red-handed at doing something wrong. She shook her head as if to clear her thoughts.