iv. Addicted

Mary felt her heart turn heavy as she wrote the scene on her screen. Pressing the button to publish, she closed her eyes.

Why is she being so affected by a make-believe world? Why did she feel like she had been there?

She shook off the feeling and hurriedly shut off the laptop, bringing it back to the cabinet where he kept it.

She slipped back into their bed, pressing herself into his naked body. She felt like she couldn't write the next scenes that were nothing but gore and death.

Dominus stirred and pulled her closer to him. Of course, he has been awake the entire time. He just pretended to be asleep.

He didn't want to stop her from writing since it was her passion and source of joy, but he didn't want to appear soft either.

Since he already confiscated her gadgets she had limited time every early morning to sneak up on him and write her stories.