v. Words Spoken

Ever since they did it, he couldn't stop himself from doing it multiple times a day with her. It was like he can go on forever just fucking the hell out of her.

He probably should let her rest today. He has filled every part of her skin visible to his eyes with marks and kisses. Bruises that have turned violet and blue.

He couldn't stop it, sucking her skin until it is red and painful to touch. Who knew it could be so addicting?

The authorities will be here tomorrow. He will be staying where the real cargo of the ship is being kept.

She tried to argue but he just have to keep her mind blank and made her agree to what he wanted. He can't let her deal with this shit alone.

He is the one responsible for this mess. Fuck! He is having an erection again just looking at her innocent face.

She is sleeping. He shouldn't wake her up in the middle of the night for this.