v. A Challenge

"Can we go back to the castle soon?" she pressed a kiss on his cheek when she asked the question, just to be sure he won't take it negatively.

His body stiffened as he held her close to him, "Why? We have everything we needed right here."

"I miss the castle, it is meant to be our home," she quickly added.

"Our home, you say," his voice was cold and devoid of emotions.

She knew it could only mean bad, but she needed to say it nonetheless. She searched all over the villa during their month-long stay. She is quite sure her friend is not anywhere here.

She needs to save him. That person who has been with her nearly all her life, she can't abandon him now.

"Yes, you bought that for me, did you not?" she asked him, her heart beating fast against her chest.

"A gift you mercilessly tossed aside, or have you forgotten that fact?" his voice was laced with anger now, his voice raised a bit.