v. Caught

She has been traveling from town to town trying to escape detection. It has been two weeks now. Well, almost.

Because she was so focused on the possibility of a man following him, she has failed to detect a blonde-haired woman with dazzling pair of blue eyes.

In fact, she has failed to notice she has caught that woman within the periphery of her vision ever since she walked into the cafe. She cursed herself and walked fast as she traversed an alley in an attempt to lose the woman.

But had no chance from the start. Her enemy is more agile and more physically adept. She knew this when the strange woman gripped her hand.

She tried to struggle but a handkerchief had been placed on her nose forcing her to inhale a rather faint smell that made her feel suddenly sleepy.

She felt her knees wobble as her eyelids dropped. The woman caught her and that was the end of what she recalled.