vi. A Romantic Interest

"Let us go," he offered his hand.

"Go where, my prince?" she asked, perplexed.

"To the gardens. You said you wanted a breath of fresh air," he said, his voice calm and serious.

She blinked. Once, twice. If she could do it again without looking like a fool then she would.

"Do you mean to join me on my evening walk, your highness?" surely this must be a work of the devil.

She has heard about devils from the war inhabiting the bodies of the survivor. It wasnt an uncommon tale for a war hero to have been possessed by an evil spirit.

"Is there a problem with that? Or is there someone whom you wish to join you instead?" his voice was suddenly edgy and his eyes were sharp and alert.

Does the crown prince wish to kill that someone if she is to answer in the affirmative? Clearly, whatever evil spirit inhabited his body is one violent soul.