1.4 Like father like son

Sigh! Min Jim has sighted today as he keep rubbing the bridge between his eyebrows" Where thee hell are you Ruby?!" The noisy system has been missing for 3 days now for and he is kinda missing it.

He couldn't get a wink of sleep as he had insomnia and normal sleeping pills wouldn't work for him so he decided to piped himself with office work in his study room .And from the looks of things; Min Jim could tell his enemies are operating sliently which was kind of giving him headaches.

" You can come inside already, Shu gin" His cold melodious voice had a bit of warmth as he said that name.

Little Shu gin head popped out for the door " Daddy~ I can't sleep" His cheeks was puffy as his was kinda red and watered like he was about to cry.

Body guards: (So cute~)

Old Butler: (Young master is so cute...)

Shi gin:( Trying hard not to roll his eyes)

Butler Tom wheels Shu gin into the large study room with an helpless expression " young master had been asking about you! So I decided to bring him here, Sir Kim" he bowed as he walked straight and left.

):Three days had pass and it's looks like our ML and MC are bounding pretty quickly.

Min Jim face was cold as a ice as he carries the little child in his hands and read him story books ( Beauty and the beast/ Sofia the first e.t.c)

Shu gin:...

Shu gin was still acting cute but his eyes , mouth and eyebrows was twitching repeatedly " Am not a girl neither a baby" he really wanted to give his piece of mind to his so called father but couldn't.

Just imagining the expression the other would've made his lip lift a little.

Min Jim seem to noticed his change of expression an couldn't help but worried " Are feeling sleepy or do you want to play with your Cinderella toys?! I just bought you another new collection today and even brought you pink unders" One could tell the satisfaction and proudness in Min Jim tone as he mentioned the girly stuff he bought for his son.

Shu gin:...╬

Min Jim: (Sigh heavily) You really need to change your wardrobe son!.... I really looking forward to buy you the pink suit, it does look cute on you. He continues as he gently pitch the now cubby cheeks of Shu gin.

Shu gin couldn't take it anymore" Dad... am think am sleepy" not forget to steal a kiss on the lips.

" You little rascal" Min Jim couldn't help but chuckle " Sleep sleep now my little princess — is prince dad" a sleepy voice answered.

The atmosphere had bubbles and reflect a golden and lovely atmosphere but it suddenly shattered.

Ruby:( " Help! help! I think my host is possess... Heelp!!!" )

Min Jun: (Could you do me a favor and stop yelping, it's really annoyed.)

Min Jun could swear that he almost drops the child he was holding due to the unnecessary screamed of an rock idiot.

Min Jun : (You been missing for three days and now you're back; you want to deaf my poor eardrums) Min Jun sighted as he saw the tearful expression on the rock face ( Where have you been all this time??)

Yet his cold tone would really made one wonder if he really worried or just asking .

On the other hand, Ruby couldn't wait to answer every question his host would throw a it but suddenly felt chill.

Ruby: "Am...am am " Ruby really wanted to cry as it stared at the villain who is pretending to sleep ( Demon; am going to expose you) it's reassure itself.

Min Jin: (Whatever... even did you come anyway, it was quite peaceful without you.)


( You come anyway,so why don't assist me. I really don't know anything about caring for a kid)

Ruby felt a huge blow of it's chest but almost exploded when it's heard the last sentence of it's host " what do you take me for heh ; Do I looked like a babysitter or a nanny to you" . He really want to give it's host a piece of it's mind but couldn't after all ( Min Jin could be really scaring when angry)

Ruby:( fake smile)" Leave it to me host, am going to really teach the way ehehehe".

Shu gin:.. ( I don't have a good feeling about this)

Ruby: ( still giggles)

There was a gentle knock on the door before it was opened, a short nerdy middle age man walked inside " Boss you got visitor today...". He was Min Jin assistant and his face was kind of pale and voice serious made Min Jun eyes flash dark light and his expression was malicious and he let out a blank laugh.

He really expect to meet them this soon.

Assistant: "So scary"

Ruby: ( Voiceless wail)" I need my momma..."

Fake sleeper Shu gin:( pervert grin) " How cute"



Author have some thing to say:"He continues as he gently pitch the now cubby cheeks of Shu gin."

Shu gin face before: ) (

Shu gin face now: (. )

Author: yeah...! Like father like son.

Min Jun:(. )

Author : more updates on the way.