1.7 Do you like someone?

( 9 years later)

The Kim-mansion had been busting with activity since early in the morning, the staff were working and decorating the mansion like their would be any special events going to happen.

The gardeners were pruning the tress and watering the flowers in the garden, the chef foiling in the kitchen, the servents did a lot of cleaning and decorations at the mansion, just like they were introted to do.

" To think that our little young master , is going to be an adult soon, am so excited!" the young maid beam as she ignore the weird look the older maid was shooting at her.

" I wonder what reason, would make the young maids in this mansion all smiles?" She wondered.

Min Jun was sitting alone at the dinner table with his eyes glued to his laptop. His aura was as elegant , calm and overbearing as always.

The years that passed by didn't seem to leave a negative impact on him but makes his charm more irresistible, his sliver hair was longer making him more feminine.

" Where is Kim gin? " Min Jun asked the butler next to him with his eyes still glued to his laptop.

T/N: ( Kim gin : Shu gin)

Butler Tom had a sweat running down from his forehead _" The young master is preparing for school..." The sentence ended with an awkward laugh.

Min Jun whose eyes was still glued to the laptop screen suddenly turned his eyes away to faced the butler , his voice became strict _ " Send some men and maids to drag that brag away from that training room and give him a bath, he wouldn't be going to school late in my house..."

Min Jun was all worked-up and tried, today was the day the male lead , female lead and his Shu gin as going to have their first meeting in school.

And this is the reason why Min Jun couldn't sleep well last night despite he spent his night in his son room, he was worried and different thought came to his mind.

What if his little angel couldn't handle the male-lead ?

Would the female lead even chosen his baby?

What if his baby was gay and was in love with the male lead all along?

Ruby would have rolled it's eyes due to the stupid thought that was running back and forth in his host mind.

Ruby: (Don't get all worked-up for no reason, you should be expecting this kind of incident long before and beside your... baby isn't a baby anymore just in case you forgot. )

Min Jun:...

Min Jun: ( Why do I have a feeling that you have something against the villain? At the beginning you were lovely and caring about the villain but all of a sudden became indifferent and can't wait to get rid of him?)

Ruby was quited and it's didn't answer it's host rhetorical question. This strange behavior of Ruby was getting on his nerve.

" Papa! I missed you...!" Min Jun felt strong arms around his waist and wettish cold lips on his lips.

" I missed you papa!" the beaming Kim gin face was the only thing in Min Jun who still chill from the coldness of Shu gin lips.

His little Shu gin was all grown up, the person in front of him wasn't his cubby little boy but a breathtaking young man with healthy tan skin and golden red phoenix like eyes that sent chill to Min Jun anytime he makes contact with it.

The wheel chair and blue blankets placed on his knees didn't seem to effect his charm.

Shu gin had an hidden smirk when he notice the way his father was checking on him, he loved the attention and wanted it to be forever.

Min Jun wheels his little baby towards the dinner table as they both eat their breakfast sliently.

" Do you like someone?"





The highschools in Eden was going on " The exchange student event" . Different schools pick up a intelligent and their best student to other schools, which would also do the same.

The program is very helpful and stimulate the student's growth as they could learn new things. Most lucky schools or lucky student could get the opportunity to be temporarily transfer to a any great an prodigies schools in Eden.

A young lady with all smiles as she holds the golden brown envelope in her hands tightly like it was a treasured.

Tanya couldn't believe that she was going to be transferred in her dreams school and even study for a year. She was happy and super nervous as she take a roughly look at her worn-off shoe's and the cheap clothes she got for the thrift store near her little apartment.

She really hope her new classmates are nice people and would not bully her, suddenly she felt something odd and strange about the way people were looking at her like she was a rear pig or something.

She was covered in mud, Tanya couldn't help but fumy she was worried about how she looked but now she looked like a pig. Her eyes glint red as she she chased after the expensive car, 'she was really going to give that person a piece of her mind' Tanya though as she chased after the car .

The environment of the Hill green school was huge and extravagant, the students walked into the school compound or came with expensive cars but it's didn't seem to attract anyone attention as everyone mind their own lives.

Shu gin was daze on through out his journey to his temporary school, He was wondering what all that ' Do you like someone ?' was about. He wonder if his father had find about his little misdeeds in the bathroom or even his feeling.

Shu gin was in a pleasant mood as he didn't notice he was outside already, a well dressed students kneeled in front of him_" Young master, am going to be your assistant until your year in this school is over..."

Shu gin felt the familiar warmth and being loved feeling over and over again_ " his father overprotective habit" those feeling he could never had in his previous life and now he had it he wouldn't let go of his grip so easily.

The students was divided in two ways leaving a huge part , there were paparazzi everywhere. Everyone wants to get a look at the only son of the wealthiest bachelor in Eden and beyond.

" He so breathe taking but it's a pity his crippled!" A student whisper to her friend who was busy shouting " Am going to bare your children!".

" Whose care! Don't he looked more fit and a lady buzz killer than your boyfriend who can still walked with his two leg?!" This sentence made the other girl quite.

This whispers continue as other female students shouted words like_" I love you!, I would bare your children!, Marry me! hubby!". Everybody was happy and lively except some people who were shooting bullet at the figure of Shu gin.

A figure of a cubby boy could be seen ,

his figure was screaming jealousy and hatred _" Who dose he thinks he's!" one could sense the strong killing instinct in that voice.

And a drity figure of Tanya outside the school gate, staring intensely at the car who ruining her appearance _" Am going to give your owner the word called ' Beating' ."


Our ML had make two enemies on his first day on his new school.... how interesting.