1.11 Misunderstanding

The wind blown furiously creating a weird noises in the spooky and creepy mansion that looked like it had been abandoned for years.

  Different heavy vehicles were going and coming out from the iron extrance of the mansion, if one looks closely on could see young pityful children inside the vehicles.

  Strange people all in black and black could be seen walking around or controlling the direction huge trailer in the environment.

It wasn't normal, neither does it look good either; each of the the people in black had an huge mental gun in their hands, their eyes were glinting red and strong munderous aura executed around them.

  A dim room suddenly came into view, the room was clean and lot more convenient than the surrounding, a lot of guns and other strange weapons was placed in the white wall covered in glass, and strange physiological picture wall framed in the room was adding a sick negative vibe to the already already negative environment.

" I wonder what expression that old Kim would have! How epic for you guys to make it possible."

The bodies of the four familiar people shiver slightly as they heard the maniac laugher from the other side; They are dead scared but still let out a awkward laugh.

  If Min Jun was here, he wouldn't failed to recognize his no-good- aunt and uncles of relatives.

They looked at each other as they swollen their saliva to muttered some courage, with their eyes glued to the black chair which was currently covering the identity of the other side.

" Haha! You are quite funny sir, That old grasshopper is gone  now and can never return!... So their is nothing epic with our presence here."

The red boobs lady on red also know as Miss Fei , said with an arrogant tone trying to cover up how scared she currently feeling; Meanwhile all she really which to do it to get out of this creepy environment as fast as possible.

" In- indeed! We know about your deep fund against the Kim family! And that's is why we are here, to help you to get rid of that little boy on the seat.!"

The sincere speech made the other person laughed but one could sense the strong killing instinct in the laughter; and it made the others super nervous.

The person turned the chair facing three shaking figured who looked like they were going to pee their underwear any moment.

".0030 ! Is this the craft and smart people, you were talking about?! Am so disappointed!"

The relatives had a pure look of confusion on their face as they started at their dim surrounding as if someone else is with them the whole time.

Suddenly sir Ferd who had quite the whole time, suddenly stoop up and walked towards the person on the chair and kneel down and kisses his feet_" Sir! If they aren't your liking, I could help you get rid of them!"

" Ferdy!!!!!????"

The rest relatives who were shock about this new revelation of their brother was even more shock of his words.

Their own brother was discussing about killing them like they were nothing;  their hair at the end of their stood as goosebumps broke out of their skin.

They had to get out here! That was the thought that pass through their minds but it was too late.

The door of the room was kicked open and five strong build men entered the room and grab them out of the room like chickens , the placed was filled with their screamed and strong insult against Ferd before it the environment quite down.

The person lightly kicked the jaw of Ferd who no longer kissing his shoe but his clave then sanitizer his shoes and clave like they touch something infected.

Ferd wanted to laugh but couldn't his jaw kind of hurt but he stood on his feet and gently hold the sharp jaw of the other; their lips hit as they begin their hot battle.


" Sir Shu fung ~" Those words came out through huffing tone.

The room was now grooming in their hot battle as groans and moans became to echo for it.




" Who is getting married?!"

Shu gin dark face became even more darker, he stared at his dad who was completely shirtless exposing his prefect body and cute nipples which only him should be allowed to see, And the hands of his dad was placed on the legendary 'D' boobs of a sexy and breathtaking lady who look exotic with her flushing face.

Shu gin didn't care about the exoticness or the sexiness or all that.

All that was going through his mind at that moment, was how he going to rip her pretty face and completely disfigured her maybe his father wouldn't find her attractive to have a nosebleed like right now. He also wanted to badly washed and sanitizer any part his father that came in contact with the lady.

Pretty lady: (⁠*⁠﹏⁠*⁠;⁠)

Min Jun could feel the awkwardness of the situation and his face even turned completely red _" U-ahm! Son you came home pretty early today!"

System notification: ( Warning! Host went out of character again, -10 points deduct.)

Min Jun:...

( Approximately 15 minutes later)

Min Jun sat at the middle of huge sofa calming drinking his tea, he looked like he ignoring the fire glazed the two people besides him were throwing at each other but....

Min Jun: ( You stupid system! Why didn't you tell me that Shu gin had arrived!)

Ruby:(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) ( Huh!)

Ruby should be thankful for being a rock or else their would be a crime about to that place that instance.

Min Jun stared at his assistant suspiciously but didn't say anything, he stared at his son and the lady who was clingy to his arm.

This is the second or maybe the third time, Shu gin really kill someone so badly; if his eyes were gun he would have shoot the lady countless times.

   Shu gin hated the uneasy and scared feeling, he really wanted this man , the person who came as an angel in his life giving him those warmth embrace and gentle laugh making him feel secure and save.

He wanted more than that but too scared to say his real feeling towards a man who only consider him as a son, he didn't want to create a distance between them because of his feeling.

If it was an hour earlier, this though wouldn't bother even Shu gin a bit after all his dad was like a robot who hate close contact with anyone except him but not now.

  Seeing his dad didn't even puch off the lady who is was pressing his hands between her huge boobs but instead was was staring at her with such gentleness and even had a bright smile on his face, which was rare for him.

A great sense of crisis arise within Shu gin; was he going to really have a stepmother...

No! he wasn't going to sit still and watch it happen, he was going to tell his father his feelings... But what if it cause a crack in their relationship?. Then he would just lie that it was all a joke.

Yeah! Just a joke but it would really break his heart for his feeling to only be just a joke.

  If anyone who knew Shu gin in his previous was able to witness the scared and frustrated expression on Shu gin face would be completely dumbstruck and could even be famous if that luck person was able to take a pic of his expression alive.

Shu gin muttered so encouraging words to himself before he could finally face Min Jun who was also looking at him_" Dad I — Shu gin could you leave us alone."

" What!" Shu gin who was currently nervous felt some heavy block fell upon him leaving a huge crack on him.

" Shu gin... Could you please excuse us now!" If he clearly didn't heard Min Jun statement before, he could definitely heard it now.

Shu gin eyes widen as his grip on his wheels handle sightly bending the iron but this went unknown by Min Jun who was now drinking his tea.

  The angry Shu gin smack the tea cup from Min Jun furiously _" I can't believe you choose to shoo me because of that whore! Dad!"

(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) • • • • • • • • • • 

Min Jun:( Blinking his eyes repeatedly, he still hasn't recover from the truman that cost his tea.)

" Kim gin! What has gotten into you all of a sudden!?" Min Jun was still emotionless but his voice was higher than before with his hand ' Bang' on the table which startled Shu gin.

His dad had never rasing his voice for him before, it all this lady forth * double anger*

The lady who was invisible the whole time decided to make her presence know, She made a little sob sound and buried her face in Min Jun shirtless chest like she was scared and it making Shu gin grits his teeth really hard.

Min Jun really wanted to roll his eyes but didn't as he slowly rub the lady hair gently like it would fall out _ " Shu gin! Looked like I spoiled you for you to say such words to a lady! "

" Dad?!"

" Go to your room this instant!"

Shu gin didn't say anything but only throw the lady a evil glaze and rode his wheels chair away.

" He gone! Could you please drop the act step sister!"

The flushed lady raised her head slowly and gone was the weak lady at that moment.




Min Jun stared at the lady seating far from him and carefully stare at every detail of her body and really didn't see any resemblance between them even their surname is completely different .

One wouldn't even call them siblings as they look nothing like each other at all.

Even Min Jun didn't believe they were related if the System didn't confirm it itself.

It could be said be said if Min Jun was a corrupt fairy then Yao Hua was the course of the corruption.

" You been checking me out? Don't tell me you have falling me already." This sentence made both Min Jun almost choke on his tea.

" Cough cough! I don't think that is the reason for your sudden visit, right?"

The goofy smile on her face completely disappear replacing a a frosted expression _" For years now the Shi family hasn't cause any mischief for quite sometimes but suddenly started operating..."


  Yao Hua  icy glaze crash with Min Jun calm eyes , she walked slowly towards him with her aura getting more gloomy and dark as she spoke _" A lot of children are missing and mysterious death had been happening a lot and you are here taking days off from work to rest and drinking tea as always, looked like someone has forgot the real duty of being a head of the Kim family!"


  Her voice was higher and she smack the tea cup from Min Jun hands and placed her hands inches from Min Jun head and her kneel between Min Jun legs.

Ruby:Σ⁠(⁠ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ⁠)( That position doesn't looked too right!)

Min Jun blue eyes stared intensely at the hazel green eyes of his stepsister.

  He had to admit , he has been too focused on how to give the the villain a lovely childhood and good days and forgot about his duty as Kim Fung as the lead heir of the Kim's.


The Kim's family in the eyes of the world could be know as a well know family of business men and ' The Lord of the Underworld ' but the real truth is that all those position are just tittles to blind the watchful eyes.

In the past, the Kim family ancestors made a vowed to an unknown being to become the Guardian of the Eden and from the very day still now every head of the Kim family has to protect the people in Eden as their own....

The history story was short and had a lot of plot holes which it greatly infecting the current generation of the Eden.

Min Jun was still on his thought for so long as he felt a strong grip on his chin which made him hiss harshly; his neck could have been dislocated if the grip added a little pressure.

His eyes came close contact with the disappointed and angry emotion in Vin Yun eyes _" You are sure a disappointment_ Kim jong_if you aren't going to do something about it, why don't I do it myself then!"


Min Jun was to say something but the door suddenly bang open with force revealing a super fumy Shu gin.

" Take of your fifth hands of my dad, you whore!