2.3 His mission

.⁠·⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠´⁠¯⁠`⁠·⁠." So you meant, am not my parents real son?"


" Can you stop twisting my word! You're still your parents real son but special."

" Special?!"

Ruby: " Yes... Special, you are my host, after all."

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ

Ruby: "You don't believe me?"

Min Jun only humph, giving the red rock uncle a cold shoulder.


Min Jun stopped on his tried of walking, deciding to take shape rest under a huge store" So you were saying something about transmigration and villain? Cares to explain more facts, cause I still don't get what you mean."

Ruby:...╬ ╬ ( This kid!)

" You are a transmigrator, a person who travel in different world to fulfill missions and am your assistance, who had always been a back bone to you "host"."

Their was a pin dead slience, after that.

" Woah! So am not really the son of my parents."

Ruby: * almost in tears* " That's not the main point!"

This is going to be harder, than he thought.

A/N ( Poor Ruby... He met kind after all. Min Jun, without memories is quite funny due.)

The world background setting based on fantasy, which includes the mentioning of Elves, Gnome, Fairies, Foxes, Dragons, Beasts kin. Yet the main functions in the plot, was the Dragons and Fox's, Night creatures.

The Elves: They are well knows as the creature with nature, and with the highest rate of healers , the Elves are dividends into sections , Upper/Higher Elves chamber: Pure bloodline blessed of Mother tree, also have high rate of producing the king of scared land. Lower realm chamber: Normal Looking Elves with low attributes and barley look like elves due to their human-like appearance.

Note: The Elves are two : Dark Elves ( Devil blood Elves/ Abandoner of the Mother tree)

Light Elves: ( Blessed of the mother tree/ scared power of the king.)

Gnome: They're short in nature, with longer big ear's, ):most likely are cute or grumpy looking. The gnomes are among the family of Fae. They created mental Mecha and robot armies, also great in creating strong weapons.

It's almost, like they're born smitten and a force not to mess with.

Fairies: Legend said them to be tiny yet small creature...( That's is used for the pixies) Fairies are tall human-like mythology creatures with powers of elements. Their appearance is same with the Elves, except for few veriation:( Light transparent Wings, and eye color.) They're rules by Queens only.

Foxes: This is a animal creature filled with many mysterious and a bad reputation of being a cunning seductive device. They can transform into their animal form and also a breathtaking human form. Other races are causion about this race: They're only seductive, cunning but a flawless force one can't mess with.

Beast kin: { Don't really know much about this races, but am going to give my best option about them.} Brutal Force could be used to describe the races, They're all animals able to transform into completely human form or demi-human form.

( Note: Fox it's a beast kin.)

Beast kin according to their name is close to other races as they separate themselves for the world. They form tribe based on what animals they're, and follow the ruthless law of the stone age setting. So they're poor no matter what resources they have.

Dragons: They're are ancient divine superior beings of the skies, They're are harder to befriend or communicate with. Proud and dangerous in nature,tall strong with powerful scales bodies.

The dragon are divided in three groups.

)Half or low blood dragons/ Drano

)Violent dragons

)Celestial dragons

And looked down on any others races, including themselves.

Nigh creatures: They are also ancient superior creatures but aren't divine, there attributes are pure evil and great darkness. They carry misfortune and create blood shed's anywhere they went.

The night creatures are uncountable: They are Vampires, Undead, Demons... They could even be: Elves, Gnome, Fairies, Dragons, Fox's,Beast kins and Alot more.

It's attributes are like an unquenched fire that separated like wild flames.

Rudy "All this are important characters, host needs to be aware of..So, do you get it now, host?!"

Ruby quite surprised at the serioux expression on his young host face, for a moment, the poor assistance though his host memories had returned.

The drooping eyelid quiver a little, expression quite dark, lips pause but slightly opened.

" So many powerful races, am worried!"


He raised his head, the falling sun ray bright on his eyelashes, despite his new ugly appearance, the deep marrow elegant and nobility can't be hidden making Ruby stunned.

" Wouldn't the my people extinct, if the Mother tree wildered? Red rock uncle."

Those pair of sliver eyes teared up, Ruby slience. Indeed, it's ture, it's did happened.

That's wasn't the main point. Yet, those words couldn't voice out it's message, his host is right, but he wasn't going to say anything to it.

" You know what kiddo, why don't we rocked and adverture in all this races, complete our mission and go back to mum and home, promise."

" Promise!" A faint smile on the face of the young child, made Ruby felt refresh within.

Ruby: " It's midday, why don't we go fine something to eat, cause your stomach hasn't stop complaining since we got here."

" Gruuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Ruby: " See, I wasn't lying."

The young prince couldn't denied, he was indeed hungry.

" Let go, Red rock uncle."

" Ruby, my name."

" No! I like red rock uncle, more."

" Lame! Ruby is my name."

Both host and assistance quarrel with their presence, disappearing from the view.

A black shadow appear on the spot, Min Jun once sat, it's neck made robotic move at the direction they went.

" Indeed, it's him."

Whisper creepy, full of trance of obsessed an possessiveness. The shadow disappear once again.

( World background)

The world is a carrier traces of LGBT characters also known as " GER".

Women suddenly became scares and stared to disappear one by one among races. No race was able to find out , what was the cause of this, yet they discovered the existence of Ger's among themselves.

Ger are men with excessive, feminine charm and looks, they're able to convince children.

In order to identify a Ger , there must be a red / pink rose pattern on any part of their bodies. This pattern is also used in identifying the fertility and how many children, the Ger can birth.

)Dull transparent red/pink: lowest fertility or none ( barley convince)

) Light red/ pink: Fertility quite high and could convince children.

) Normal red/pink: Fertility high but could birth limited children.

) Bright red/pink: Too much fertility, could birth countless babies, if no family planning.