
Beautiful view of the night was showed, skipping the trees , roads, people and then a mansion.

" Did you say.... High gold coin...?!"

The stem careful sentence was spoke carefully, revealing a clear images of the figures in the faint yet classic hot spring.

Xui Lin nodded hard with her kneels. Her eyes reflect the middle age man in the mist of young low-gers men which were all rubbing themselves.

Her eyes reflect disgust but still indifferent.

" Hahahaha! That's good, that's good my son!"

Xui Lin nodded with a bright blinding yet fake smile on his lips.

( Good my foots!)

The middle man didn't notice this actions as he currently enjoying the slurry Low classes of Ger's that moans at their bodies touching.

" Are you certain that's it was a high gold coins?!"

Hearing the doubtful question of his father made him displeasure flashed through his eyes of Xiu Lin that held his head down.

His fist clench under his long sleeve, the accessories on his styles giggle with the wind so did his beautiful innocent smile.

" Am certain father! It was an elf co-... Father?!"

The atmosphere of the room instantly changed.

" Did you say... An elf?!"




" Did you just say... An elf?!"

The voice of the middle age man sounded strange.

It didn't sound joyfully or lustful but contain angry and bloodlust within.

" Yet father, An elf gold coin."

Xui Lin on his kneel completely ignore this emotions of his father, but even brought out one of the strange yet elegant coin tossing it to his father whose face was twisted and now scaring the Gers around him.

" An elf in my kingdom!"

The grips on the Gers tighten making them whine in pain.

" How dare that elf?! Looked like asking to be skin alive! "

The middle age man face was getting ugly and twisted but Xui Lin wasn't going to stop. He was enjoying every expression in the face of his damn father.

He lowered his head to kiss the floor before staring at his father that could likely kill those pityful Gers.

" It wasn't an elf, father."

Like cold water being thrown on the middle age man made his expression little better.

" but an elf kid."






Min Jun sneeze. It's being this way after the strange behavior change of the cashier.

His eyes stared at the light pink coloured room, glittery lights that flashed it's bright dull coloured, a small yet desks and tall long wardrobe at sides, a love large bed placed on the middle.

The design setting was giving a warm home service already.

Pouted. " So shabby."

Compare to his room at home, it lacks the potential of being called an VIP room.

Sighting once again, Min Jun stared at his wrist rubbing it with his callous fingers.

Red rock uncle suddenly disappear leaving a lot of annoying rules.

" Don't use the money for home."

" Don't talk or trust anyone. Just keep shut and play dumb."

" And don't take of this beads off. Don't dare!"

No ' am coming back soon ' or ' am going to ***** anywhere?' , yet only dump commands.

Little Min Jun pouted in annoyance. It was like red uncle dichted him, after promising to look after him.

His finger tips rubbed the beads with curiosity in his eyes.

One minute later...

" Oh? nothing happened."

Min Jun was kinda disappointed. Holding the simple looking beads in grips,, he wasn't really expecting anything magical.

A light tap on the door attracted his attention.

" Room service has arrived."

Room service?

Min Jun couldn't help but thought of all fun service this inn could offer. His small hand reach towards the door but suddenly stiff.

' Don't open any door for anyone!"

The commanding instruction echoed in his ears repeatedly, only making to shake his head in a quite adorable manner before opening the door.

" Hello sir, am here to make your night a dream ..."

Min Jun stared pause at the slim feminine man standing seductively on the door walls and talking to the air, making him feel invisible.

The room servicer was still talking and waving his long slender hand but suddenly stopped feeling a touch of his thigh.

Lustful beast!

The Ger though within as he slowly opened his eyes and stared down.

Room servicer:(⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)??!

An elf?!

Min Jun:....

They stared at each other....

• •. • ( Awkward slience)

Min Jun was surprised and couldn't understand, why the face of the human was priceless.

Was it because his human form was too ugly.

Should he introduced himself?

Min Jun was confused but the other mind was in complete chaos.

" Am sorry sir, wrong room. Am super sorry sir." The Ger bowed and ran off leaving Min Jun speechless.

Humans are really confusing.

Feeling sleepy and tried. Min Jun could help but yawn attracting tears.

So tired.




The Ger ran through the empty hall but carefully. The halls were slient but noisy by the moans and painful cried from rooms that were for regular consumers.

The Ger pace slowed down and his eyes flashed disgust.

An elf in the kingdom.

His fist clench and their was a change of though.

Instead of reporting, why don't make this unexpected news at good use.

A slight yet hidden smile appeared on his dark face as he walked from the scene not noticing the second shadow that were a inch from his.

Suddenly a familiar door was showed creeping opened, a heavy sound but no footsteps.

The blurry sight of the pinkish room was seen and it was getting closer towards another door that revealed the bathroom.

The tower , the mirror, the white walls and alot of expensive object and the flicking lights but yet the sight was on the little beauty peaceful sleeping in the tub.