Chapter 3

She is stunning. She truly is. Tall, slim waist, wide hips, and beautiful face. She sauntered slowly until she was standing right in front of us. She easily stands up to Ian when it comes to their heights. Me, on the other hand, can barely come up to Ian's chin.

The girl seems to have not noticed me because her eyes are stuck on Ian's. That gave me the chance to check her up close. She has an oval-shaped face with doe-like eyes the color of honeydew. It is one of the lightest shades of green I ever saw on a pair of human eyes. She has a delicately-shaped nose that just goes perfectly with her face shape and heart-shaped lips that are naturally bright red. She doesn't even need to put on rouge on her lips! 

She kept on staring at Ian and I am getting annoyed at her because she hasn't even acknowledged my presence. Ian, however, managed to feel the hostility wafting out of me that made him look at me. This movement of him made the lady in front of us finally moved her eyes from Ian's face to mine. She looks amused by the way she is looking me, almost mocking my appearance at that. She gave me a smirk that instantly blew the top of my head off.

"Excuse me, but is my appearance that amusing to you?" I asked, hostility evident in my voice.

When she heard this, her eyebrows shot up and she started cackling out loud. It is so loud that I am sure the whole area around the house could hear her. Ian kept on looking at me and observing me. I know that he is looking at my eyes right now but I could not care because my pride will not take the insolence that is the embodiment of the lady in front of me. My eyes are probably changing colors right now. He took a couple of steps back and away from us. The lady did not care one bit about me and what Ian just did because she kept on cackling until Julian finally had enough of her shrill voice reverberating the place.

He slapped her head and said, "Stop cackling, you stupid sorcerer. Even the deaf would be irritated at your voice. Plus, you are insulting her already. So knock it off, Rose."

When he slapped her head, I felt my eyes turning back to their original color. Not only that, but my subconsciousness is starting to reel in my emotions. I also saw Ian taking a few steps back towards us and finally glared at the lady whose name, I presume, is Rose.

"Are you done cackling? If not, kindly continue doing it in a different room. We are tired, Rose. We don't need any more of this foolishness that you are doing." Ian said.

She eyed Ian, then Julian, and lastly me. She still looked me up from head to toe before saying, "This is her?" 

Sarcasm is dripping from her voice and quite frankly, it irritates me somehow but I guess she is easier to handle than the other two who strongly believe that I am the one they are looking for.

"Just so you know, I am not the lost heir. Though those two are strong believers that I am her just because we coincidentally have the same name." I said to her.

"I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to my prince," she replied.

"I wasn't answering your question nor was I talking to you. I was talking to the house, and to whoever is hiding at the corner over there." I said while pointing to the corner on my right side. Everybody looked at where I was pointing. Lo and behold, someone emerged from the shadows.

I saw every one of their expressions change from confusion to surprise after he came out of the shadows. The person who came out of the shadows had his hands up in the air as if surrendering. I smirked at Rose the moment the person showed herself. She just looked dumbfounded. Everybody looked dumbfounded when what I said was true.

I looked at the person and asked, "What is your name?"

She looked towards Ian. My eyes naturally followed suit and looked at him to see what his expression would be but he did not show any the moment I laid my eyes on him. His face was rather stoic, but I'm guessing that they were talking in their heads. But that's just me dreaming of doing that. I went back to her when I caught a grimace almost forming on her half-covered face. She immediately went still when she saw me grin.

Now I know my theory is right. They are talking in their heads. Should I start figuring out how to intercept it or not? But I need to know the concept before doing any interception. Oh, well. I'll do that next time.

I asked them, "Are you guys done talking to each other in your head?"

Both of their heads snapped so fast, I thought that they might have snapped it. I kept my cool by having a neutral expression as I kept my mouth shut to let them sort out whatever it was that they needed to sort out.

Ian signaled to everybody, except me, and everybody came closer to him and did a sort of meeting. They started to whisper this time instead of having a silent talk in their heads. I let out an exasperated sigh and went to the nearest chair I could find to sit and wait for them to finish their meeting.

I let my eyes wander around the interior of the house. It still amazes me how they made the interior bigger than what seems to be the size on the outside. I want to learn how they did this so that I can do this even if it is just a single room that I want to enlarge. An idea suddenly came to me and I unconsciously used my powers while I was thinking about the idea.

You might be wondering what the idea is, right? The concept is the same as having a bigger space inside a small house. I thought of doing it to one of the pockets on my clothes. I tried using all of the elements that I could manipulate to see if it could replicate the magic that surrounds the space inside the house.

Once I finally felt the space finished expanding inside my pocket, I took a deep breath and exhaled something so cold that it formed snowflakes the moment it came out of my mouth.

I tilted my head from the confusion and then it hit me. Fatigue from my body and exhaustion from my mind after using huge amounts of magic just for an experiment. It's been a long time since I used magic that I forgot how taxing it was to use.

Thankfully, someone was there to catch me before I fell on my sore bum. I hissed in pain because my bum fell on their knees and they immediately helped me stand up and made me sit at a nearby chair.

I thanked whoever it was when my bum finally landed on something soft. I slowly closed my eyes and ignored the voices whispering all around me while clutching the purse close to my heart. Not caring anymore if they knew of my existence or not. I just need to sleep off this exhaustion I am feeling. As my consciousness slowly faded to darkness, a familiar voice started singing in my sleep.