Crippling Draven

Draven had to fight him to keep The Black Knight from giving back the power to the server substation. Finally, Draven dashed at The Black Knight as The Black Knight remained still, waiting for Draven to reach him.

Draven didn't hold back despite The Black Knight being his hero once upon a time.

When Draven threw his right fist at his face, The Black Knight simply leaned sidewards and grabbed Draven's hand. Then, even before Draven could react, The Black Knight twisted Draven's hand and punched him in the jaw.

The punch had enough force to blur Draven's vision for a moment. Fortunately, Draven quickly regained his senses.


The Black Knight tried to punch again but quickly opened his wings. The Black Knight was fast but not fast enough to avoid being hit by the wings.


Draven jabbed his own jaw, moving it to its previous place. A single punch almost dislocated Draven's jaw. Then, with a quick flap of his wings, Draven flew back a few meters.


At that moment, Draven heard someone banging on the copper door from outside.

"You're fucked freak, hahahahaha" King Richard burst into mad laughter,

"That's not how a king should talk your majesty," Draven said, tilting his head to the side,


The thunderous banging noise reverberated in the hall followed by a trembling.

Once again, Draven walked towards The Black Knight. However, this time when Draven reached The Black Knight, the latter threw his fist as Draven blocked it with his arms.

The Black Knight repeatedly punched Draven. Every punch The Black Knight threw was powerful, finesse, and deadly. Nevertheless, Draven kept blocking the punches while walking backward.

"He is good," Margoth saw how The Black Knight was fighting. As far as he knew, Draven was an expert in close combat. But still, Draven was pushed into defense.





The Black Knight used his fists as well as his cape to attack Draven without giving him a break. Yet again Draven opened his wings to disorient The Black Knight. But the Black Knight closed his face with the cape and blocked Draven's wings this time.


Draven quickly utilized the break by kicking THe Black Knight in the gut.

The Black Knight was pushed a few meters as Draven dashed at The Black Knight.




Draven punched The Black Knight left and right all over his body. When The Black Knight tried to fight back, Draven grabbed his hand, pushed him towards him, and clotheslined him. Although Draven couldn't make The Black Knight fall to the ground, he managed to push back The Black Knight further.


The hall trembled yet again along with the generator.

"Order your men to stop," The Black Knight also noticed the etherian crystals flickering inside the glass orb. Unlike whoever was banging the door from outside, The Black Knight knew what would fall upon Veland in case the generator was destroyed.

According to The Black Knight's sources, The Clown was already planning a heist on Veland's vault in the city of Grayford. After Scarface died, The CLown transferred most of his criminal activities to Grayford.

Most of the criminals in Veland were terrified of Draven. Therefore, they all left the capital of Veland and migrated to Grayford. As a result, the crime rate in Grayford soared through the roof and the number of murders increased by the day.

That was one of the reasons The Black Knight couldn't catch Draven earlier. Instead, he had to round up the criminals wreaking havoc on Grayford before returning to the capital.

"The entire kingdom would be vulnerable if the generator got destroyed," The Black Knight explained to King Richard. Although King Richard hated The Black Knight for being a vigilante, he hated gifted ones like Draven more. Besides, he was not a fool. He knew how much trouble they would be in if the generator was destroyed.

"You done?" Draven asked, looking at The Black Knight. However, his question was directed to The Black Knight. Rather, he asked Sarah.

"Five minutes," Sarah panted in his head. Her breathing was heavy as though she was exhausted.

Stopping both The Black Knight and King Richard's army for five minutes was not a small feat for Draven. He could try to stop King Richard but if he did, the tremor created by banging the copper door would destroy the generator. It would cost hundreds or thousands of lives, the supervillains would wreak havoc in Veland, the nearby kingdoms would send their special units to exploit Veland, and many more calamities would fall upon Veland.

Draven did not want that. Hence, he made a hard choice. He decided to let the king open the door before they destroyed the generator.

"They are willing to destroy the generator, just to save one life" While King Richard was limping towards the door, Draven talked to The Black Knight.

"You have no way to go. Surrender," The Black Knight responded in his usual cold raspy voice,

"No thanks," Draven said as he dashed at The Black Knight once again.

This time, both of them exchanged blows so fast that one wouldn't be able to follow their fists and movements. Draven used his wings to block and break The Black Knight's defense while The Black Knight used his cape and spikes on his gauntlets to hurt Draven.

Draven's armor was far superior to The Black Knight's armor. Hence, the suit absorbed the force of many punches. The Black Knight quickly changed his tactic and targeted Draven's head which was the only exposed part in Draven's body.

Just in a few moments, they both exchanged several blows.


Since The Black Knight couldn't get the upper hand in the battle, THe Black Knight flicked his wrist, suddenly spraying water on Draven's face from his gloves.

"Fuck!" Margoth roared as Draven instinctively tried to rub his eyes.

The Black Knight utilized Draven's distraction. He quickly sent a knee into Draven's gut,

"Argh" Draven growled as he bent forward,

The Black Knight quickly grabbed Draven's face and repeatedly punched him in the face. Then, The Black Knight lifted Draven like a rag doll and slammed him onto the ground with enough to crack the floor down.

The Black Knight tried to knock Draven out by kicking him in the face but Draven quickly rolled away. Then, Draven sweep kicked The Black Knight in the blink of an eye. The Black Knight jumped into the air to avoid being knocked down, but Draven opened his wings. When Draven opened his wings, it created a force on his back. This force quickly pushed Draven into the air.


Since The Black Knight sprayed water on his face, Draven retracted his blade, slashing across The Black Knight's chest.


Draven applied enough force to cut through The Black Knight's armor. If The Black Knight hadn't worn the armor, his guts would have fallen out of his stomach.

The Black Knight held his gut as blood seeped out of the cut.


Draven spat the blood in his mouth and wiped the blood running from the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty!"

Meanwhile, King Richard managed to open the copper door. When Draven looked over his shoulder, he saw the deep dent in the door. One would think the soldiers used a heavy log to bang the door, but Draven knew the truth. It was done by one man, General Barton.

King Richard hated every gifted one to the core except General Barton. He was the only gifted one in King Richard's army. It would take at least a log weighing a ton to put a dent in the copper door. One man achieved the same feat, and that man entered the room with almost all the king's guards.

"Draven it's done. I am on my way to the factory,"

"I am done too," The Black Knight was stunned as soon as Draven smiled.

He quickly dashed at Draven; this time, he did not bother to block or even move his body. The Black Knight grabbed Draven by his collar and shook him,

"What did you do?!" The Black Knight roared,

"Figure it out, hahaha" Draven devilishly chuckled as General Barton strolled towards Draven with bloodshot eyes,

"Stay back Black Knight!" General Barton's shout echoed through the hall. Just by hearing the tremor in his voice, Margoth could tell how pissed off he was.

"Give him to me!"

General Barton grabbed the back of Draven's neck and tried to take him from The Black Knight,

However, The Black Knight didn't let go of Draven,

"He did something," The Black Knight's voice was grave.

"He will spill everything," General Barton came before Draven and looked him in the eyes,

"After I break his knees,"

"ARGH!" Draven let out a cry as General Barton crushed his left knee with a single kick.

The armor was strong but not strong enough to protect Draven from a Super Human. General Barton was born with superhuman strength. He could lift a fully grown elephant without breaking a sweat and crush metal pillars like eggshells.

(Special Humans => Enhanced Humans => Super Humans => Supremes)

So Draven's knee was shattered despite the armor with a single kick. Draven almost lost consciousness due to the excruciating pain. But instead of shrieking as King Richard did, Draven shocked them by bursting into mad laughter.

"Hahahahahahaha. You fools, look at the dashboard,"

Only then did they turn their gaze towards the dashboard and notice one of the levers was down, unlike the rest.

"What have you done?!" General Barton crushed Draven's palm,

"Stop!" The Black Knight however, threw Draven onto the ground and pushed away General Barton,

"We need him to talk," said The Black Knight,

"He will,"