One Sided Slaughter

With the new weapon in his hand, Draven finally felt the tide turning against the pirates in his favor. He couldn't help but curse the UFH for their lack of action. The single prototype weapon they had provided to the kingdom could decimate the pirate army. One could only imagine what would have happened if the UFH had actually sent their army and resources to the Morelia continent.

However, despite having the power to eliminate the pirates, they had chosen to do nothing, citing their so-called "big picture" strategy.

"How are we going to reach your spaceship?" asked King Kravnar.

"Can't you carry us over to your ship since you can fly?" asked Queen Charlotte.

"I can do one better," Draven calmly said as he looked at the prototype weapon. "I'll create a distraction by taking out the pirates outside the ship. You can take advantage of that distraction and make a run for the ship. I'll cover you," he assured them, though the nobles and the Queen hesitated.