Chapter 33: Dinner Date

Caleb had called me down to his office. I chewed my thumbnail, wondering if he’d discovered that I’d stolen from him. I shuffled my feet along, drawing out the approach as long as possible.

I knocked lightly and the door, slightly cracked, pushed inward. Caleb was sitting at his desk, squinting at a page he was holding up into the light. He glanced at me quickly and then back at what he was holding.

“What are you wearing?” he asked.

I looked down at my leggings and tank top. It was more for comfort and stealth than anything, but what I commonly wore.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“You need to wear something nicer than that when we go out,” he said, setting his paper aside. He propped his arms up on his elbows and knit his fingers together, resting his chin on his upraised hands.

“Go out?” I asked, crossing my arms.