Protecting His Wife

Luo Cheng was disgusted by Han Zheng's actions.

Without giving Han Zheng a chance to approach, Luo Cheng came to Li Xiaoran's other side and avoided Han Zheng's outstretched hand.

"Wife, this is Uncle Han's daughter, Han Zheng. Please send her to Uncle Han with me! If Uncle Han finds out that she ran out by herself, he will definitely be worried!"

With that, Luo Cheng reached out and looked at the top of Li Xiaoran's head. He reached out affectionately and took off the vegetable leaves on Li Xiaoran's temples.

"Look at you. You're so busy that you don't even know you have vegetable leaves on your head!"

Such an intimate scene immediately stung Han Zheng's eyes.

Hearing Luo Cheng call her wife, Han Zheng was filled with jealousy.

She had been coveting Luo Cheng for so long and had always hoped that he wouldn't get married. She had finally grown up, but unexpectedly, Brother Luo had married someone else.