
After Li Xiaoran returned to her grandfather's house, she thought of something.

"Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle, Aunt, do you know if Eagle Village left any records or books about eagles?"

Zhao Huaishan was stunned when he heard Li Xiaoran's question.

"I'm not sure. Only the village chief knows. Do you want to see them? What do you want to know? You can tell us. Perhaps we can answer them."

Li Xiaoran shook her head. Actually, she didn't know what she wanted to know.

However, she had a feeling that she should learn more about the eagles in Eagle Village.

"Even if the village chief has information or books, he won't show them to just anyone!" Zhao Long thought of something and said, "Actually, I know someone who probably has a lot of records about eagles!"

When Zhao Liang heard his brother's words, he immediately thought of someone.

"Brother, are you talking about the maniac in the village?"