
As soon as he said this, Li Xiaoran and Luo Cheng looked at the maniac.

"Do you really have a way to keep these two eagle chicks in the village?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Of course there's a way! Just let the two young birds find new partners! When the time comes, you guys will be fine!" the maniac said.

When Li Xiaoran heard this, she felt conflicted.

To be honest, she really didn't want this eagle chick.

Letting the young eagle stand on her shoulder all day was burdensome and tiring.

More importantly, the two eagle chicks had caused her and her grandfather's family a lot of trouble.

Now that she finally had a way to send these two eagle chicks away, she was naturally happy.

However, this young eagle had become a scourge. Whoever took over would definitely be targeted by Huang Hong.

If she sent the eagle cub away, wouldn't she be indirectly harming others?