Liang Jiabao's Abnormality

"This is delicious food Xiaoran made! It smells so good!" Zi Zheng said proudly, "You can't eat such tasty noodles elsewhere!"

When the old beggar heard this, he stayed by the pot and refused to leave.

Luo Cheng couldn't stand it anymore and quickly pulled him to the side of a flowing pit.

"You drooled over our pot of noodles before you even brushed your teeth and rinsed your mouth this morning. How are we supposed to eat it? Hurry up and wash up!"

When the old beggar heard Luo Cheng's words, he was immediately amused.

"If you want me to wash up, so be it. Speaking of which, only a kid like you can control me! Who am I? I'm an old beggar. Do you know what a beggar is? It's someone that's dirty and smelly. Yet you actually asked me to wash up!"