
As expected, many guests outside were agitated.

"Come on, big guy. Instead of letting these people plunder our hard-earned money, why don't we fight them? If we fight, we can still survive!" Someone shouted, then someone led the way and rushed towards the door of the inn.

Many people were invigorated and waited to rush out together.

However, to everyone's surprise, as soon as they rushed out of the inn's door, those people fell to the ground in unison.

Seeing this, the people who had just rushed over quickly ran back into the inn.

After what had happened, no one dared to act rashly anymore.

An officer who stood outside the inn sneered at the people inside.

"As you can see, if you want to leave, fine, as long as you can walk out yourself! My people definitely won't stop you. It's just that you'd better consider if you're that capable!"