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Luo Ziyang wasn't the only one who was excited. Even Luo Cheng was excited.

All these years, he had chosen to endure it.

He even gave up his status as a prince and distanced himself from that place which made him feel vexed.

However, he didn't expect that they wouldn't let him off the hook even though he didn't want to get involved with them.

Now, even his scumbag father had begun to drag him down with him!

In that case, he would do as they wished!

This time, he would give this group of people a surprise.

Li Xiaoqing slept peacefully for the entire afternoon. After lunch, she came to change shifts with her sister.

Li Xiaoran was also a little tired at this moment, so she didn't stand on ceremony with Li Xiaoqing. After she explained the matters in the shop, she went home.

Luo Cheng had long guessed that Li Xiaoran would come back for lunch.

As Li Xiaoran looked at the table of dishes, she smiled.