Worth It To Her

Li Yan, who was in the room at the side, couldn't sit still.

Recently, because the Spring Meeting had been postponed, Young Master Qi stopped paying attention to them.

Previously, they had been giving out good food, but later on, they had to pay for their own expenses.

She didn't use the silver she had obtained. Instead, she went straight to her husband, Pei Xuanxin.

Pei Xuanxin was used to living a hard life, so after hearing Li Yan's words, he took out some silver and asked her to spend it sparingly.

Li Yan was used to being extravagant, so now that she had to scrimp and save, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

She didn't dare to reveal her discomfort, so she could only endure it.

She had no other choice. She had yet to get the rest of the money from Young Master Qi, so she could only endure it for now.

Initially, she thought that after the news was confirmed, Young Master Qi would come back to look for her husband.