Unexpected Harvest

As expected, there was always a way out. After the four of them exchanged looks, they walked into the cave.

After they entered, the cave quickly returned to its original state. Even if anyone came, they would only see a pile of bushes.

The cave entrance was a set of stone steps that led straight down.

After they walked down, they saw that it was a large cave.

The temperature in the cave was suitable. It was neither hot nor cold. It was very comfortable.

After walking to the side, Li Xiaoran realized that they were actually under the cliff.

She could see the deep cliff below.

Looking up, she saw a tree shrouded in vines.

From the looks of it, even if someone stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down, they wouldn't be able to see the situation here!

Seeing this, Li Xiaoran smiled and pulled everyone into the cave.