
Li Xiaoqing could feel the anger in Jiang Pingyuan's heart clearly.

Actually, it was understandable.

Jiang Pingyuan treated him as a friend and a business partner, but the other party treated him as a sucker and only wanted to harm him.

No one would be able to accept this truth.

His sincerity was taken advantage of!

Seeing that all his plans had failed, Gong Yang became furious.

He had planned and endured for so many years. He was about to succeed, but at this critical moment, someone interfered and he failed.

He was indignant!


Why did people like Jiang Pingyuan get rich while smart people like him never improved?

He had tried his best, but fate seemed to be playing tricks on him every time.

Why was it so easy for others to succeed?

He also worked hard, but why couldn't he get any affirmation?

When Li Xiaoqing heard Gong Yang's inner thoughts, she didn't know what to say.