The Entire Street Is Hers

At the mention of gold and silver, Li Xiaoran and Shu Ruyue laughed.

They really didn't expect Young Master Xie to remember their joke even until now.

"Hey, are you guys here to buy shops too?" Seeing that the two of them were smiling so happily, Young Master Xie quickly leaned forward and asked, "Let me tell you, you guys have good taste! Mr. Luo is in charge of building this food street. Not to mention anything else, just from the lively situation on the official road beside, the shops and houses on this food street are worth buying!"

"Oh really, I didn't expect Young Master Xie to think so highly of this food street!" Li Xiaoran raised her eyebrows and asked curiously, "Could it be that Young Master Xie is also here to buy a house and shop? Mr. Luo said that if you want to buy a house and shop, you have to explain what food business you want to do first. If it's not unique and tastes delicious, he won't sell the house and shop to you!"