It's Not Good to Be Too Greedy

At the same time, Li Xiaoran was also puzzled.

She really did not expect White Foothill City, which wasn't that big, to be a place with so many hidden talents.

There were coal mines and even a cattle farm in such an inconspicuous place.

Speaking of which, this cattle farm was really well-hidden!

If not for Wu Qinghe's divination, she wouldn't have come to the deep mountains.

In the end, she met Li Qiuxiang and received news of this cattle farm.

She wondered if all of this was predestined.

Because it was raining, there was nothing to do, so everyone chatted for a while.

At night, Wu Dadong asked someone to make a table of good dishes to entertain Li Xiaoran and the others.

After eating and drinking their fill, they went to rest.

At night, Li Xiaoran let Zi Zheng and Wu Qinghe return to their rooms to rest!

With Shu Ruyue around, she could adapt to any situation. They didn't have to keep guarding here.